Copyright Registration
Unlike a trademark, a copyright protects creative works such as books, artwork, photographic, music, user guides, plays, game cards and many other works of arts. A copyright does not protect names, titles, slogans, short phrases or brands (see Why Trademark).
A copyright owner has the exclusive right to reproduce, distribute or create derivative works of the copyrighted work. A copyright is created the moment you create the work, however enforcing your copyright protection is often difficult without a proper copyright registration with the US Library of Congress. Filing a copyright application with the U.S. Copyright Office, allows you to establish a public record of the copyright. Establishing a public record and certificate of registration may allow you to sue infringers for statutory damages and attorney fees as well as actual damages and profits.
For copyright protection, an application should be filed with the Copyright Office. You will need to provide a copy of the work of art electronically or by mail showing the creative work you are registering. Unlike other types of intellectual property rights that expire rapidly, a copyright lasts the lifetime of the author plus 70 years after the author has passed.
Copyright applications can take anywhere from 6-18 months to process depending on the type of work. Once your work has been accepted by the U.S. Copyright office you will receive a certificate or registration in the mail.
Contact us today for a quote on copyright registration!