Silver Package Trademark Application


*Price does not include USPTO filing fees

Licensed US Attorney prepares and files Trademark Application with the USPTO

15 minutes USPTO Quick Search with report of any potential blockers and make suggestions or recommendations. A Quick Search does not guarantee a clean mark filing. Phone consultation to review results.

Attorney led discussion to create custom goods and services for the mark application

Attorney response to minor procedural issues and minor office actions

Attorney monitors your mark throughout the application process

For Intent to Use Application, Attorney prepares and files the Statement of Use (USPTO filing fees not included)

Initial reminders for when 8&9 and 8&15 continuance of use are due (USPTO filings not included)

Quarterly updates on the status of your mark with the USPTO

Start Your Silver Package Trademark Application

*Price does not include USPTO filing fees

Licensed US Attorney prepares and files Trademark Application with the USPTO

15 minutes USPTO Quick Search with report of any potential blockers and make suggestions or recommendations. A Quick Search does not guarantee a clean mark filing. Phone consultation to review results.

Attorney led discussion to create custom goods and services for the mark application

Attorney response to minor procedural issues and minor office actions

Attorney monitors your mark throughout the application process

For Intent to Use Application, Attorney prepares and files the Statement of Use (USPTO filing fees not included)

Initial reminders for when 8&9 and 8&15 continuance of use are due (USPTO filings not included)

Quarterly updates on the status of your mark with the USPTO

*Price does not include USPTO filing fees

Licensed US Attorney prepares and files Trademark Application with the USPTO

15 minutes USPTO Quick Search with report of any potential blockers and make suggestions or recommendations. A Quick Search does not guarantee a clean mark filing. Phone consultation to review results.

Attorney led discussion to create custom goods and services for the mark application

Attorney response to minor procedural issues and minor office actions

Attorney monitors your mark throughout the application process

For Intent to Use Application, Attorney prepares and files the Statement of Use (USPTO filing fees not included)

Initial reminders for when 8&9 and 8&15 continuance of use are due (USPTO filings not included)

Quarterly updates on the status of your mark with the USPTO